Zafar Azimov
Zafar Azimov is one of the founders of A-Companies. He essentially grew up in a manufacturing business.
His father was one of the first entrepreneurs in the Post-Soviet Central Asia. Zafar learned at a young age, how manufacturing and sales were done. He left Russia and Central Asia to be educated in the U.S and U.K.
In our first venture as a team, Arktikservis was processing King Crab on the ocean and distributing it globally. This venture showcased Zafar’s unique cultural understanding and ability to be both western and Russian. He managed the Russian fleet in the Barents Sea that produced 60% of the world large King Crab and then worked tirelessly to bring it to market. His charisma quickly made the company’s crab the crab of choice for large retailer around the globe.
During this experience, we realized the power of the convergence of western training with growth markets in Russia and the CIS Countries.